- Upgrade to CCC 6 | Carbon Copy Cloner | Bombich Software
- Upgrade to CCC 6 | Carbon Copy Cloner | Bombich Software Looking for: Carbon copy cloner 4.0 free. Carbon Copy Cloner for Mac Click here to DOWNLOAD Carbon copy cloner 4.0 free When it comes to keeping your Mac's files and folders protected, you'd think Time Machine would have it covered. It's capable of backing up and restoring files and folders from any given time and — if you boot from your Mac OS X installation disc — can even restore your entire system. That's fine and страница, but if you hanker for a more traditional form of backup tool, then Carbon Copy Cloner has most bases covered. As the name implies, it can be used as a simple cloning tool — pick your OS drive as the source, fre your backup drive as the target and off you go: a perfect replica of your hard drive on your нажмите чтобы увидеть больше drive. This also enables you to upgrade a ссылка на подробности drive easily too: all you need is a spare drive bay or external enclo...